Sunday, November 30, 2014

A few final moments with November

November is one of my favorite months, and I regret seeing the 2014 edition reach its end.

It’s not just November that I enjoy. The calendar’s final quarter — October, November and December — is my favorite time of the year. It’s just that November typically fires in me an intense sense of reflection and gratitude.

The gratitude part I try to express throughout the year, not just on Thanksgiving Day. November in northern Illinois typically includes the end of the fall harvest. There’s much to be grateful for during the annual process, and I deeply appreciate our nation's farmers.

We also typically experience consistently colder temperatures in November in northern Illinois, and we take seriously the change of seasons. Early October can present some warm days here, which I do value, but November’s temperatures help us develop an appreciation for sturdy boots and heavy sweatshirts.

I enjoy walking, both for exercise and relaxation. I particularly enjoy walking during the early evening hours throughout the year. I walk through residential neighborhoods and many of neighbors make frequent use of their indoor fireplaces beginning in November. I always enjoy the fragrant smell of burning wood while completing my walks.

October and December are busy months for Lori and me. We celebrate several birthdays in those months, observe a wedding anniversary in October and joyously mark the birth of Jesus Christ in December.

November is a comparatively quiet month for us, with the notable exception of the Thanksgiving Day holiday. November provides us a fine opportunity to recover from October’s schedule and prepare, physically and mentally, for December’s hectic pace.

I suppose I value November so much because it provides me 30 days to reflect and refresh before I rush through December, celebrate Christmas and welcome a new year.

While I hesitate to release November, I realize none of us can slow time’s relentless march. In a few hours November will give way to December and 2014’s few remaining days.

I will pause later tonight to offer a final thank you to November, and then I will prepare to embrace December as we move forward, ever forward.

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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Peaceful Parlour owner has sense for marketing

    Shari Ralish, owner of Peaceful Parlour in Geneva, talks tea with a guest at the Geneva Public Library.                                                                                              Kevin Botterman photo

     Shari Ralish is a retailer with a keen sense for community-oriented marketing.
     Ralish owns Peaceful Parlour, 212 S. Third St. in downtown Geneva, an “eco-chic  boutique” she opened five years ago, during the early days of the Great Recession.
     Ralish partnered with the Geneva Public Library to provide tea service during a Civil War history presentation Nov. 8 at the library.
     During a program intermission, Ralish poured a variety of teas for audience members, explained characteristics of each offering and managed to share information about her business.
     “It’s a nice opportunity to meet people and tell them about my business,” Ralish said during a lull in the tea service.
     The tea proved popular with the audience. Several guests returned to the service table for refills or to sample another tea. Most asked questions about the teas and inquired about the business hours at Ralish’s shop.
     “It’s all very informal, and everyone seems comfortable asking questions,” Ralish said. “They learn about my products, and find a one or two they really enjoy.”
     Ralish said it is important for business owners to identify ways to build relationships with new customers while reinforcing existing ties, particularly during a weak economy.

     During the summer months, Ralish offers a series of musical programs on the grounds outside her shop and frequently hosts special events inside the store.
     The Civil War program was Ralish's second opportunity to share tea and product information at the library. She presented a program last January devoted to tea.
     “Attendance exceeded our expectations. We shared a lot of information and started some good relationships. It was wonderful” Ralish said.
     Kimberly Gotches, a public relations and outreach coordinator at the library, said Ralish’s program last January was so popular it serves as a model for the type of programming the library seeks to present in partnership with local businesses.
     The library encourages local businesses to submit program proposals, said Gotches. A popular program can offer benefits for everyone involved, she said.

     To learn more about Peaceful Parlour, call Ralish at 630-232-6300. For more information about the library's outreach efforts, call 630-232-0780.

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Friday, November 7, 2014

Museum, St. Charles Singers offer holiday programs

Submitted photo
Ellwood House offers holiday mansion tour
     Our friends at the Ellwood House Museum in DeKalb say they are ready for the museum’s annual holiday mansion tours beginning Nov. 15 and continuing through Nov. 30 on select dates. 
     The tours are a holiday tradition for many area residents, and the museum is one of our favorites. Visitors can enjoy a room-by-room tour of all four floors in the mansion. Each room is decorated for the holidays. The museum also will host a holiday open house weekend beginning Dec. 5 to Dec. 7. 
     The museum is operated by the DeKalb Park District and reflects the key role Isaac Ellwood played in the development of the barbed wire industry in the United States. The tours offer a glimpse of local history and are a wonderful way start the holiday season. For more information call 815-756-4609.

St. Charles Singers set annual Christmas performance
     Our friends at the St. Charles Singers tell us they will present the 31st annual Candlelight Carols Christmas program at 3 p.m. Dec. 7 at Baker Memorial United Methodist Church, 307 Cedar Ave. in downtown St. Charles. 

     The program will include 18 songs from the Renaissance era to today. Tickets are $30 for adults, $25 for senior ages 65 and older and $10 for students.

Fall weekends mean football

Here are some of the football games we’ll be following this weekend. Hope you enjoy the contests:

Youngstown State at Illinois State

Iowa at Minnesota
Michigan at Northwestern
Ohio State at Michigan St.
Penn State at Indiana
TCU at Kansas State
Auburn at Texas A&M
Notre Dame at Arizona State
Baylor at Oklahoma

Chicago at Green Bay
St. Louis at Arizona

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